Monday, August 2, 2021

A Penny's Worth of Thoughts: Our Own Worst Enemies

In my history of observation, very few things have outright bothered me.  Are there things I disagree with?  Sure, but those can typically be explained as a difference of perspective, and require an understanding.  However, if there is truly one thing that has the tendency to bother me the most, it is the thought that because one thing is correct, everything else must be incorrect.

It's a notion you see everywhere these days; whether it be the discussion of vaccine versus mask, an old debate internet on the color of a dress, or something as simple as how one plays a game.  Search long enough nearly any discussion and you will find, somewhere, a perspective that believes, resolutely, that they are right, and everyone else is wrong, usually to the point of ignoring all discussion otherwise.

My belief has always been that there are routinely many solutions, one must simply approach the problem from a new angle.  Is it simple? No, not in the slightest.  And, usually requires quite a bit of grey area discussion.  Some people have had nasty reactions to medicines, including vaccines, and so choose the avoidance option because, for them, it is safer.  Others may have a disadvantage, one that, in the case of the dress, prevents them from being able to accurately perceive certain colors.

Gaming can often be the biggest exposure to this particular dispute, however.  You can find sources all over the place of "Run this character this way" or "This plus that equals victory", often to the detriment of either the readers or followers, all of whom have various skill levels and preferences of play.  And it bugs me on just how many of those get lost due to them following the crowd.  Giving in to that urge to belong, even if it doesn't feel right.

We truly are our own worst enemies.

Just a Penny's Worth of Thoughts, for those who feel swept up by the flow.

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